• Copyright Information
• Citation Information
• Ways to Maximize Your Results with the AccuNet/AP Multimedia Archive
• Writing Grants
• Check Your IP Address
Uses of the Multimedia Archive
Subscriber shall
be granted electronic access to the AccuNet/AP Multimedia Archive (the Archive)
solely for the purpose of electronically viewing individual photographs
and images in the Multimedia Archive and making laser or desk jet prints of such
content; provided, however, that the Subscriber is not delinquent with
respect to payment of all applicable fees due and owing under this Agreement
(the "Agreement") to AccuWeather. Subscriber acknowledges that it understands
that the image resolution of the Multimedia Archive content, when printed, is 72
dots per inch.
The Archive shall be used by Subscriber for the following
(1) Printed copies of images for book reports, term papers,
theses, class handouts and research,
(2) "Power Point™ type presentations, overhead projections, slide
shows, and other similar multimedia presentations whose usage is
confined to the licensed
(3) Transmitting an individual image to an authorized e-mail user,
(4) Archive photographs shall not be used or published in
newspapers, magazines, brochures, catalogs, commercial announcements,
calendars, posters, yearbooks, playbills, newsletters, on
t-shirts, or promotional items, or for commercial use or gain of any
(5) The content of the Multimedia Archive shall be that normally provided by
AccuWeather Sales and Service from time to time.
(6) Unless expressly authorized by AccuWeather Sales and Service
in writing and subject to payment of additional licensing fees
specified by AccuWeather Sales and Service, all other forms of access
and use of the Multimedia Archive and its constituent elements are expressly
disallowed, including, by way of example and not limitation:
(a) accessing or using the Multimedia Archive while being delinquent
with respect to any applicable fees hereunder, or
(b) electronically downloading, manipulating or creating
derivative works in any media except as allowed in this Agreement,
(c) electronically transmitting the Multimedia Archive and/or its
constituent elements, or other such activity, except as allowed in
this Agreement
(7) In addition to the permitted uses described above, Subscriber may also allow Subscriber's users to access the Multimedia Archive remotely [i.e., from off-site via computer]; provided that:
(i) only persons who are members (teachers/students/staff) of Subscriber shall be permitted to remotely access the Multimedia Archive,
(ii) each person remotely accessing the Multimedia Archive shall count toward the maximum number of persons permitted to be logged on at any given time, and
(iii) all of the terms and conditions applicable under this Agreement to users who access or view the Multimedia Archive at Subscriber's premises shall apply to persons remotely accessing the Multimedia Archive.
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Citation Information
It is important to cite the author/photographer, date, title, source, medium, and how the information is available.
For online databases, APA style recommends a retrieval statement that includes the date of retrieval and the source, followed in
parentheses by the name of the specific database used and any additional information needed to retrieve the item. A URL can be
included that points to the "entry page" for the database.
Retrieved [month day, year,] from [source] online
database ([name of database], [item no. -- if applicable])
Photos and Graphics
The subject of the image is listed first, followed by the date it was taken or created. The retrieval statement is then added.
Abraham Lincoln, General McClellan and his staff at Antietam, Maryland (1862).
Retrieved April 12, 2001, from AccuNet/AP Multimedia Archive online database
(photo database, Item APA1774699).
Graphic that shows the letter of regret from Washington over the collision of a U.S. spy
plane with the Chinese fighter (2001). Retrieved April 12, 2001, from
AccuNet/AP Multimedia Archive online database (graphic database, Item 15780).
The title of the article is listed, followed by the date of the article.
Security Council votes to send more troops to Sierra Leone. (2001, March 30).
Associated Press. Retrieved April 12, 2001, from AccuNet/AP Multimedia
Archive online database (text database, Item xnode+78770+Text2001).
The name of the speaker or significant contributors are listed at the head of the entry, last names first. Each name is followed by a description in parentheses of that individual's function. The date of the recording is then entered in parentheses. The title of the recording is next and is underlined. Following the title should be the type of recording (cassette, news reel, etc.) in brackets. If a number is used to identify the recording, use parentheses instead of brackets and list the number like this (Cassette Recording No. 8745). Next should be the place of production, and the distributor's name. To finish the entry, add the retrieval statement.
Metz, Michael (Speaker). (2001). (AP Interview No. 200102261442-219). New York,
NY: Associated Press.
For more information on APA style go to: http://www.apastyle.org/faqs.html
These guidelines on MLA documentation style are the only ones available on
the Internet that are authorized by the Modern Language Association of
America. What follows here is a summary of the guidelines that cover the
World Wide Web.
Sources on the World Wide Web that students and scholars use in
their research include scholarly projects, reference databases, the
texts of books, articles in periodicals, and professional and
personal sites. Entries in a works-cited list for such sources contain
as many items from the list below as are relevant and available.
Following this list are sample entries for some common kinds of
Web sources.
- Name of the author, editor, compiler, or translator of the
source (if available and relevant), reversed for alphabetizing
and followed by an abbreviation, such as ed., if appropriate
- Title of a poem, short story, article, or similar short work
within a scholarly project, database, or periodical (in
quotation marks); or title of a posting to a discussion list or
forum (taken from the subject line and put in quotation
marks), followed by the description Online posting
- Title of a book (underlined)
- Name of the editor, compiler, or translator of the text (if
relevant and if not cited earlier), preceded by the appropriate
abbreviation, such as Ed.
- Publication information for any print version of the source
- Title of the scholarly project, database, periodical, or
professional or personal site (underlined); or, for a
professional or personal site with no title, a description such
as Home page
- Name of the editor of the scholarly project or database (if
- Version number of the source (if not part of the title) or, for a
journal, the volume number, issue number, or other
identifying number
- Date of electronic publication, of the latest update, or of
- For a work from a subscription service, the name of the
service and--if a library is the subscriber--the name and city
(and state abbreviation, if necessary) of the library
- For a posting to a discussion list or forum, the name of the
list or forum
- The number range or total number of pages, paragraphs, or
other sections, if they are numbered
- Name of any institution or organization sponsoring or
associated with the Web site
- Date when the researcher accessed the source
- Electronic address, or URL, of the source (in angle
brackets); or, for a subscription service, the URL of the
service's main page (if known) or the keyword assigned by
the service
For more information on MLA documentation style go to: www.mla.org and
choose "MLA Style" from the left column. Then select "Frequently Asked
Questions about MLA Style" on the left.
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Ways to Maximize Your Results with the AccuNet/AP Multimedia Archive:
Here are some suggestions of how the AccuNet/AP Multimedia Archive can be used by the
Social Studies/History: current event discussions; compare and contrast
or event presented in similar and dissimilar photos; cultural bias of
affect photo; compare photos of similar events occurring in different
(Christmas, sporting event, or political event); follow prominent
current or
historical figure through a number of events in which he/she
concept searches by topic (Civil War, tribal politics in South Africa,
etc), and
category (politics, international, etc).
English/Journalism: discussion of what message a photo conveys; compare
contrast the effects the view the photographer presents in similar and
photos; cultural bias of the photographer; incorporating photos into
print layouts
and other technical issues to editing and graphic design; concept
searches by
topic (humor, love, etc), color or hue, and category (politics, crime,
Art: photos to be used as model for drawing; photos used in collages;
discuss the
viewpoint the photo conveys; discussion of camera angles, f-stop and
technical settings; compare and contrast style (or color usage, etc)
presented in
similar or dissimilar photos; concept searches by topic (happy, fear,
etc); color or
hue; category (animals, industry, nature, etc); and photo type
Science: photo of weather phenomena; aftereffects of severe weather;
examples of
cloning experiments; insect examples to compare and/or contrast; tracing
scientific research is applied to other areas (DNA is referred to in
crimes, database, and lawsuits); photos of most current leaders and
in various fields; concept searches by topic (black hole, fossils,
biology, geology,
etc), and category (animals, industry, nature, etc).
Information Technology: access, download and manipulate graphic files
internet to local drive; use of other software to manipulate photos;
photos into print layouts; concept searches by topic (internet,
download, etc) and
category (news, business, etc).
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Writing Grants
Below are links to three web sites, which provide educators with information on writing grants.
The links provided are not an exhaustive compilation of resources, but are three sites that
provide a wealth of information on how to get started. If you find another site that you would
like to share with other educators, please send the information to
Grant Writing Tips by About
Beginning Grant Writing from the
University of Massachusetts Lowell College of Education
Pacific Bell Knowledge Network's Online Grant Writing Resources
SchoolGrants! Your one-stop site for K-12 Grant Opportunities
Education World Grant Center
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